Lars Munk
Market- and product development
Phone: +46 (0)70-225 01 64
Jessica Wennberg
Executive Manager
Phone: +46 (0)73 834 47 17
Therése Wintervy
Marketing- and Communication Strategist
Phone: +46 (0)70 261 20 21
Linnea Bentzer-Waara
Market- and product development
Email: Coming soon
Phone: Coming soon
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Heart of Lapland is the destination company that works to develop and market the tourism industry in the eastern part of Swedish Lapland – with its main destinations Haparanda, Kalix, Pajala, Överkalix and Övertorneå. Here in the borderlands between east and west, we refine our lifestyle and everyday life into unforgettable experiences and season them with the warm reception for which the area is known.
Heart of Lapland ekonomisk förening (Co-operative society) is owned by its members and is part of Swedish Lapland Visitors Board, the regional industry-governed platform for collaboration on the tourism industry in northernmost Sweden.
The Heart of Lapland organization is financed partly by membership and service fees from companies and our five municipalities, and partly by projects we both operate and actively participate in. In 2023-2024 we run the projects “Produktlabbet” together with Nyföretagarcentrum Nord and “Flavours of the Arctic – Taste the Forest and Drink the Sea” together with Utbildning Nord, Kalix Folkhögskola and Kalix kommun. Both projects are funded through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, the first one through the local LEADER association Tornedalen 2020, and the second one through Jordbruksverket with co-funding from Sparbanken Nord – Framtidsbanken and Längmanska Företagarfonden. Heart of Lapland is also a project partner within “Guide Me” together with the research institute RISE, aiming to develop new digital tools for small tourism businesses.
Board of Heart of Lapland ekonomisk förening
Kent Ögren (chairman)
Johan Stenevad
Martin Spolander
Monica Wikström-Johansson
Marcus Carlsson
Robin Landin
Join Heart of Lapland as a member!
Read more here (in swedish)